What It's Like

Second Installment of Buddy Lessons....

What It's Like

Intro Questions
  • What do you think it would be like to have a sibling with a disability?
  • How do you think people would react to seeing you and your sibling out together, if your sibling had a disability?

            Mark 4:41 and 5: 1-20
Jesus and his disciples travel across a lake, through a storm, to get to a man who is possessed by demons.  Jesus heals the man and the man ends up telling so many people about Jesus.

Imagine how the disciples must have felt when…
  • They encountered the storm and had to keep going after it ended?
  • They got to the other side and saw the demon-possessed man?
  • They watched Jesus interact with the man?
  • They traveled back home in the boat with Jesus?
Imagine how the man who was demon- possessed felt when…

  • He saw Jesus and the disciples coming towards him?
  • Jesus asked him his name?
  • Jesus healed him?
  • He was the one to share about Jesus in the Decapolis?


Discussion Questions
  • What surprises you about this video?
  • Spencer says that he is looking forward to having Mitchel as his best man someday.  How does this challenge your thoughts on a wedding party?
  • People wanted to give up on Mitchel, but his family didn’t.  How have you seen our culture give up on people with disabilities?
  • How are Mitchel and the man who was demon-possessed similar?

  • How can you have a friendship with someone with a disability like Spencer and Mitchel have?
  • Who, in your school, do you know that has a sibling with a disability?  How can you befriend them and their sibling?


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