Whatever It Takes

A common phrase in Young Life is that we will stop at nothing when it comes to being with teenagers and sharing the gospel with them.  Every time that I meet a leader who is doing Capernaum, I am amazed by their stories and their commitment to do whatever it takes.  As I am continuing to get to know our staff and volunteers around the globe, I am in complete awe!  

Capernaum is in over thirty countries, outside of the United States.  We have staff and volunteers in places like Bangladesh, Nepal, India, Mongolia, Kazakhstan (pictured), Ukraine, Ireland, Uganda, Peru, Ethiopia, the Dominican Republic, and on and on.  

Here are just a few snapshots of how leaders are doing whatever it takes….

  • In India, we have staff and volunteers who are doing Capernaum in the slums.  They are having a hard time gathering kids to bring them to club, so they go to each of them individually to spend time with them, laugh, build a friendship, and share the gospel.  One by one, every week!  Whatever it takes.
  • In Zimbabwe, we have staff and volunteers who are engaging their leaders and pastors in conversations around disability and how we believe that everyone is made in the image of God!  They are breaking the chains of deep cultural beliefs that say otherwise!  Whatever it takes.
  • In Mongolia, we have staff and volunteers who know that over half of the teenagers with disabilities don’t have access to school.  They have started art therapy and music therapy classes during the day for kids to come to!  Whatever it takes.
  • In Bangladesh, we have staff and volunteers who are doing ministry at a school for teenagers who are blind.  They are learning how to adapt music, games, adventure, and club talks for the students!  Whatever it takes.
  • In Ukraine, we have staff and volunteers who are having small group Campaigners.  When the war broke out, gatherings had stopped, but parents shared that the greatest gift to their kids was being a part of Capernaum.  So, small groups started again!  Whatever it takes.
  • In Nazareth, YL Capernaum Club is happening, even in the war.  Leaders are bringing laughter, games, relationships, peace, and words of truth to teenagers when they need it most.  Whatever it takes.

We could fill pages and pages with these snapshots!  We are celebrating the faithful staff and volunteers who stop at nothing- even war - to be with teenagers with disabilities!  One of the things that I love the most about it is that as we see pictures and videos, it just looks like Young Life.  Whether it’s Kansas or Kazakhstan, Pennsylvania or Palestine, Ireland or Illinois- Young Life is Young Life.  The beauty of being One Community is on display!  

Would you take a minute to look at a map of the world?  God is moving in each of the spaces you see!  Now, would you choose one of these countries and commit to praying for Capernaum in it?  We desire for people to be holding up our staff and volunteers in prayer around the globe.  Whatever it takes.

- Suzanne Williams, Vice President of YL Capernaum


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