Valentine's Day Club

Couple Match-up: You will need stacks of two different colored sticky notes (let’s say one green stack and one pink). You will write couple pairs that your friends know on these. For example, on a green write Minnie Mouse and on pink Mickey Mouse. Place the pink on the backs of your friends and greens on the back of leaders/buddies…no cheating! Don’t let them see who is on their back. Once everyone is ready inform them that they are to find their “couple pair.” They will do this by walking around the room and having friends describe their character WITHOUT saying the name! Once you know who you are you can find your pair. The reason it’s important to have the buddies and leaders be the matches is so they can help their friends out! Once you find your match sit down!


Heart Target: Place heart shaped paper on the floor, walls, or wherever you want. The person playing the game will be handed a balloon, not tied off! They will release the balloon trying to get it to land on one of the hearts! Give each person about 6 tries. Whoever gets the most hits wins

Stacking hearts: Who can stack the most sweetheart candies without it falling over

Matching Game: This takes some prep! The idea of this game is one of those matching games where you’re trying to find the pairs. Set it up really big in the middle of the room. Have 9 pairs, so 18 pieces. Use construction paper with a printed out or drawn picture on the back of things like a heart or cupid. Two players battle each other. When you get a match take it off the board. Person with the most wins!

Baby- Justin Bieber
He knows my name


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