Great Visual for Club Talk on Sin

During club recently, Katey and her friends were talking about sin and the cross during their club talk. They created this great visual that ended up being so helpful for their friends to understand how sin effects us and how the cross offers us such a beautiful way to live instead!

They had 5 boxes- one large box named “SIN”, one large box named “GOD”, one medium box named “ME”, one tiny box named “SIN” and one tiny box named “GOD”.

They explained how God created us to live in perfect relationship with Him where we live in Him (put the “ME” box in the large “GOD” box) and where He lives in us (put the tiny “GOD” box in the medium “ME” box).

Then, take everything out.

They then explained how because of sin (with explanation of sin) it looks like this: put the tiny “SIN” box in the “ME” box and then put the “ME” box in the large “SIN” box. They explained how there is nothing that we can do on our own to get sin out of us and there is nothing we can do on our own to get ourselves out of sin. We are in need of a rescue. (cue Nashville Nine song- Rescue)

This set up the team so well going into the scripture with their friends seeing how they were created but how sin entered in.

You could even create smaller versions for groups to break up in after the talk to discuss and re-create the visual together!

Thanks Katey and team! This is such a great way to explain such a tricky topic! Thanks for your creativity!


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