Holy Meals at Day Camp

When I was planning for our Day Camp in Nashville, I first was thinking about renting a bounce house or going on a crazy adventure. But the more I thought as we prepped and prayed, I realized that the real gift of summer camp this year was both profound and simple -
being together. Outside of some drive-by events and outdoor park hangs, we haven’t been together since March of 2020. I wanted to do something BIG that would foster relationships and conversations.

So we decided to go BIG on meals. Typically, we might piece together some meal donations, or order a bunch of subs from Subway or cheap pizza. We try to keep meal costs low typically to keep the camp cost down for parents. But I wanted to dream bigger than usual. I wanted to provide meals that were delicious and felt like a WOW!, just like at Young Life camp where there’s an endless supply of everything and you can say “yes” to seconds and thirds and fourths. I wanted to ensure that meals were individually packaged, safe, and sanitary. I wanted to provide allergy-friendly options that tasted amazing, not microwaved substitutes that tasted like cardboard. I wanted our friends to be able to “taste and see” the Lord’s abundance. And then I listened to the recorded talks provided by Capernaum which used a common thread of a table, and an invitation to each of our friends. It was perfect!

The first day we had Chick-fil-a nuggets, fries, fruit, and big-little cookie (individually served).
The second day we had Taqueria tacos, rice, guac, and queso.
The third day we had Brown Bag chicken, rice, salad, mashed potatoes, and brownies.

After the first day of Camp615, I was driving my friend, Jade home. She’s never been to YL Summer Camp before, so this was her first time and she was giddy with excitement. Before I asked her what she thought of our first day together, she said “that food was REALLY good!!” Our program team was Sweet Tonya and Spicy Rick, two Chick-fil-a workers, which paired perfectly with our first meal of Chick-fil-a. 

I was brainstorming camp ideas with a co-worker, and she talked about doing “Long Table”, just like at summer camp. I knew that would be the perfect last meal of camp for us to share together. We bought nice plates and table cloths and gold silverware (pictured above). We had Brown Bag cater a meal of chicken, salad, rolls, mashed potatoes, vegetables, and brownies. In cabin time, each of our friends filled out an invitation for themselves - writing out what God was inviting them to (to: me, what: “a friendship party” as Eric said, when: all the time, etc.) and they wrote their names on the front of the envelope and we used those as place cards. 

Sitting under the magnolia trees at one big long table with our friends and leaders and buddies felt holy. The meal was slow, people lingered and laughed and asked questions. We weren’t there just to eat, we were there to be together. We weren’t just telling our friends they belong, we were showing them that God says everyone is invited, everyone has a seat at the table - including them. 

One of my friends Jessica was out of town for a family vacation. She came back a day early and the only parts of camp she was able to experience were Club, Cabin time, and Long Table. Jessica has a hard story, but as I sat next to her she had a HUGE smile on her face. I’ve known her for years, and I’ve never seen her smile like that. 

At the end of the meal, our servers were going to start passing out brownies, when Matt (Spicy Rick) said we should add ice cream and sprinkles. Then he decided to make it more fun, to put back on his costume, play the “Dessert Song” just like YL camp, and pass out dessert. Our friends went wild! I love that he took something that would have been great as it was - delicious Brown Bag brownies, but after being with our friends all weekend Matt was thinking of how to make it more excellent, how to show our friends in every detail that they are loved, that they matter, and that they belong.

The last day during shout-outs, several of our friends said their favorite part of Camp615 was the food. Their favorite part of camp. We did karaoke, a scavenger hunt around town, hoe-down, Young Life Clubs, cabin times, a Carnival, Zumba, P90Owen, Real Life, snack bar, camp store, and more. And their favorite part was eating together. Simple and profound. I think it was my favorite part of camp, too. It was the time that I would get teary-eyed, realizing how much my soul missed being with my friends - all together - sharing a meal just like friends are meant to do, just like Jesus did so often with his friends. 

- Kaitlyn Ousley, Capernaum Director in Nashville, TN


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