Celebrating the 35th Anniversary with Newt Crenshaw

Young Life Capernaum is 35!  In celebration of this anniversary, we will be highlighting important voices in Capernaum and the mission of YL to share the impact of the ministry in the past, present, and future. 

Today, we hear from the President of Young Life, Newt Crenshaw!


I believe that our Capernaum ministry has expanded the soul of Young Life over the past 35 years by opening our eyes to see and live in the world differently. We are welcoming those around us with disabilities into our family as dear friends in Christ who have much to teach us about true and gentle discipleship. Over the past four years, one of the best books I have read was Becoming Friends of Time: Disability, Timefullness, and Gentle Discipleship by John Swinton. Swinton’s longstanding work with friends who have disabilities has been the context for his perspective-changing book. I have told many colleagues that his words led me to repenting of how I often see and experience time, and to not automatically buy into the western notion of serial time as a commodity to be managed and maximized. Rather, we are called to see and experience time as a gift of God to be cherished and fully lived into. Swinton also introduced me to the importance of going beyond inclusion of those in our midst who have disabilities and moving deliberately and joyfully towards deep discipleship.

I am celebrating the way our Capernaum ministry has opened doors to all aspects of Young Life in hard places to minister, like Central Asia. It seems to me when we care for friends with disabilities we are obeying Jesus’ command in Matthew 25. Bill Milliken, former Young Life pioneer in our multi-ethnic and inner-city work, told me that when we care for those who are overlooked and ignored, Jesus is in our midst. And this is a profound witness to an unbelieving world, even with those who have different faith traditions.

I am celebrating staff and leaders with disabilities who are reaching and teaching young people about Jesus. I believe that our mission will continue to make more room on staff and in leadership for our friends with disabilities. As such, I am excited about a new initiative called The Leadership Experience, a year-long opportunity where Capernaum alumni, Young Life staff, and coaches grow together as servant leaders.

As Young Life continues to place Capernaum at the center of our ministry to adolescents, I believe our culture of belonging will better reflect God’s beautiful and wide kingdom and allow us to effectively minister with the tender heart of our Lord Jesus. In the end, I think we will look back and say with confidence that our Capernaum ministry changed us for the good, and even made us better in every aspect of who we are and how we minister the gospel of Jesus to young people. This beautiful reality is the body of Christ at work in the world.


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