Country Spotlight: Mongolia

In Matthew 28, Jesus tasks his followers to go out and make disciples of all nations in the Great Commission.  The Jesus Storybook says it like this, “When at last they reached the top of the highest hill near Jerusalem, Jesus turned to them and said, ‘Go everywhere and tell everyone the happy news!’”  We have aspired to do just that and Young Life is now including teens with disabilities in over 40 countries!  It is our pleasure to amplify these stories and highlight the work of God throughout the world from Peru to Bulgaria to Mozambique and more. 

Today we highlight: Mongolia


All over the world, COVID-19 has altered how we do ministry, but it has not stopped!  

Urangoo Odbaatar (pictured with her husband) shares here about how they offered a virtual winter camp in 2020 and are praising God for how He used it!

We thank God for our camp! 

We had 229 people at our virtual winter camp with Capernaum and Young Life!  It was the first one in 15 years of Young Life Mongolia history.  There were 62 Zoom room leaders (cabin teachers),142 teenagers from YL and 25 teenagers from Capernaum who heard the Gospel. Such an amazing result even though we met virtually in a Zoom meeting. Praise God. 

Our cabin teachers were 18 to 55 years old.  Most of them were young people and I was so thankful to have them there serving the teenagers. One of the special things I give thanks for is the Mongolian Evangelical Coalition youth ministry pastors attended too and they said it was amazing to serve through the online camp and see such good results for teenagers.

Our program included interesting zoom games, video contests, simple beautiful songs, video dramas, fun assignments, video gospel talks, and talks about what we heard about Jesus. Every day, they also did special assignments with their ideas.

During the camp days, many of the teenagers had hard times with their families and with technology, but we thank God that many kids heard and responded to Jesus even if they had difficult situations. 

Please pray continually for Capernaum in Mongolia: 

1. Nowadays, we are serving by watching the Alpha Course youth videos and talking about it. 

2. We want to continue the renovation of our small Special Needs Kids Center (pictured below). It was stopped because of the Covid-19 situation here.

3. We want to be closer with Jesus and show the kids His example by our lives. We do not want to talk just about some introductions.

4. And lastly, that our needs for ministry would be filled by the Lord.

Photo of the Special Needs Kids Center with Mongolian sign language for the word "love."

Photos of dream boards the students made during the winter camp.


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