Thank you for letting me be a leader! Avery's Story

Thank you Young Life Allen, TX for this story!

Avery has been involved in Capernaum for years now. She has always been consistently
at club, open and talkative in Campaigners, and succeeded at camp. 

Throughout the years she participated in Capernaum it was clear that she had God-given leadership skills. She is always looking to help and serve others, always putting them before herself. 

When it was time for Avery to graduate Capernaum, her leader knew she was ready to be a leader. They met together on multiple occasions to talk about the difference between participating as a Capernaum friend and serving as a leader - she was up for the challenge! 

Avery and her leader continued to train together, learning all of the essentials to being a leader and serving from
an overflow of love from Christ. This past summer Avery got to take her leadership to the next level as an official leader on our Carolina Point trip. She was so excited to see some of the behind the scenes details that go in to camp. 

Avery was eager to get to every leader meeting and was alert and interactive through each of them. She took her job very seriously - keeping an eye on the friend she was assigned, serving rather than being served, and making sure everyone was happy and having a great time. 

Avery knew how to serve and kept telling people, “If you need any help at all or need me to do anything just let me know!” She was so happy to serve and to be given a leadership role. She was insistent on continually telling her staff person, “Thank you letting me be a leader.” 

Avery’s Young Life staff person said to me, “I am so grateful to work for a ministry that sees value and leadership in people that the world so often looks over. If it weren’t for Young Life Capernaum believing in Avery’s gifts and leadership, I would be lacking one of my very best and most dedicated leaders.”


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