Through the Lens of Authenticity - Emily and Lauren's Story

Thank you, Pam Harmon, Vice President Capernaum, for this reflection on Wilderness Discipleship Camp.

I have been impacted by this story since the very first time I heard it.

Here’s a little context: An amazingly generous donor made it possible for several of our most adventurous, seasoned leaders to each choose one of their Capernaum friends to participate with them in a Wilderness Discipleship Camping trip in Colorado. This was an adventure, a pilot trip, to see if Capernaum campers could hike and carry backpacks and live outside in the mountains for a whole week. We wondered would they make it for 2 hours, for 2 days, or would they make it for the whole week?

We were very pleased that they loved it and had a great time for the week! Please watch:

When I watch this video my first thought is - “Wow, Young Life leaders are amazing! I want to be like Lauren when I grow up. I want to be that kind and love sacrificially. I want to be willing to choose to serve my friend over my own comfort. What an awesome story.”

But the Holy Spirit revealed to me that this is even more than that. This is the Gospel on display where suffering and death bring resurrection and transformation. If I watch this through the lens of how Emily may feel, I begin to wonder: how does it feel to be the vulnerable one, the one who took longer in the bathroom, the one who may have been smelly at times, the one who had to trust her friend to care for her while she was far away from home and her parents. Emily had to die to herself too. And through this Emily experienced the God who designed all of creation and loves all of her, bathroom issues and all.

I invite you to watch this video again through that lens.

As I’ve watched this story again and again I’ve tried to use my imagination to ponder ways in which I might grow to be more like Emily. How might I bring my whole, authentic self before the Lord? How might I better trust God with the parts of me that I try to hide? Do I have confidence that if I’m truly myself and vulnerable, God will love all of me?

What a gift Emily and Lauren have given us by choosing to be friends as their authentic selves and by showing us how to grow closer to Jesus together.


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