Creating Space: Day Camp with YL Tustin

Thank you, Kelly McGill, YL Tustin, for this great reflection!  Thank you for creating new opportunities for your friends to experience camp in creative and thoughtful ways!

This summer with YL Tustin (California) Capernaum, we grew in all kinds of exciting ways! We teamed up with a nearby Capernaum area to create a local space where our Capernaum friends that cannot attend week-long camp at Lost Canyon could be known, loved, and hear/experience the Gospel. 

This summer, Beach Cities and Tustin Capernaum put on our first ever day camp! We had 50 Capernaum friends that joined in the fun. While planning day camp, we thought that this would be an incredible opportunity to invite some of our Capernaum friends to be a part of our day camp Leadership Team. We had two of them, Cole and John serving on our Program.

Cole and John loved having the opportunity to lead our Capernaum friends, make them laugh, and serve Jesus in a new and exciting way. John told us that he cannot wait to be on the leadership team in the future and he hopes to go on Summer Staff at Lost Canyon next year!

During day camp, all of our Capernaum friends heard the story of the bleeding woman and learned that they are not alone in their lives, that they have a Father that loves them deeply, no matter what!

Our Capernaum friends had the opportunity to write on mirrors about how Jesus sees them. Our friends wrote: Loved. Beautiful. Accepted. Friend.

It was an incredible two days celebrating our friends’ identities in Christ. Some of them learned about who Jesus is for the first time. One of our Day Camp volunteers, Heather, said her favorite part of Day Camp was seeing kids and leaders of ALL abilities on stage at all times.

Our friends participated on stage with program, worship, leading games, and group prayer. Seeing the body of Christ at day camp participating in hearing, experiencing and processing the Gospel in an accessible way is something that we will never forget and cannot wait to do it again next year.


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