Investing in the Lives of their Friends - Rocky's Story

Thank you, Niccole "Baldi" Ryan, Area Director-West Valley Young Life for this story!

On a warm summer evening I stood on a soggy pool deck listening to the squeals of teenagers slipping down a water slide. There were Young Life leaders and kids everywhere. Our area was having our annual summer pool party. There was something entirely different about this night, something one could miss if he or she didn’t know what to look for.

Upon further inspection you would find seven teen moms with babies, a dozen or so Capernaum friends, Capernaum parents, Wyldlife kids and literal scores of kids from traditional Young Life clubs. It was hard to not have my eyes overcome with tears as I poured spoonful after giant spoonful of simmering nacho cheese over hot Cheetos for kids to munch on.

My semi-watery eyes eventually landed on two individuals playing volleyball—Rocky and Pierce. About a year ago Rocky jumped in as a Capernaum leader and Pierce has been a part of Capernaum club for three years. Pierce is best known around the area for his Michael Jackson dance moves and requesting we play Billie Jean at every event. Rocky is a giant gentle bear and Pierce is a fierce 5 foot 1 inches. Rocky is an average 19 year old with wild dark curly locks and Pierce is 18 years old with down syndrome. They met at Young Life Capernaum Club and became fast friends, they love to sing together, dance, share meals, shoot hoops or compete in the game room.

One thing Rocky and Pierce have in common is having a life changing experience in Young Life. Rocky first became acquainted with Wyldlife when one of his older cousins invited him. He came to club from time to time meanwhile a Wyldlife leader pursued him regularly. When Rocky moved on to high school he was invited to be a part of campaigners. We tried to get Rocky signed up for camp and got a laundry list of excuses. Thank God Young Life leaders rarely take “no” for an answer! We kept Rocky on the prayer list and with camp about 10 days away went after him even harder.

One day as I pulled in my drive way I could see my garage door was open. I could see clothes from my Young Life skit closet flying across the garage and hear a commotion. I pulled the gate open and
was surprised to see Rocky, two of his high school friends and their Young Life leader. They quickly explained they all had decided they were going to Lost Canyon and they needed to start packing.

That summer Rocky had his eyes opened to the love God has for him. Rocky came from a broken home and was in need of reassurance that God is a good Father who made him and wants to know him. He started a relationship with Jesus that week. Coming home things were different, God gave him a heart to serve others. Rocky became a Wyldlife leader. However, the circumstance of his life didn’t become any easier, during his senior year of high school Rocky needed to move out of his family home and rent a room on his own. Rocky began to seek out full time employment to cover his rent and basic bills. Due to the change in his personal schedule being a Wyldlife leader no longer fit into his weekly calendar, but Capernaum did!

Rocky eagerly joined the Capernaum team. Capernaum friends love being around Rocky because he knows how to have fun, treat them with respect, include them and just be with them.

Jesus continues to powerfully transform Rocky’s life. The young people in Capernaum have been blessed to create a friendship with someone who gives himself so freely and willingly.

Many of our Capernaum friends seem to have innate understanding that there is a God who made them and loves them, but leaders like Rocky help our Capernaum friends be able to understand and articulate that in new ways. Rocky took what he saw modeled by Young Life and Wyldlife leaders and applied it to Capernaum.

It was clear Rocky had earned the right to be heard through shared experiences. Pierce was listening to what Rocky had to say both in cabin times and outside of it. But Pierce wasn’t the only one, there was the same thing happening with Dominique, Jordan, Chris, Michael and Noah. Capernaum Friends will forever have changed lives because of the way Rocky entered their lives and represented Jesus.

As Pierce left camp this summer, he wrote a letter to God that said “Thank you God for loving me, thank you for dying for me and thank you for finding me.”

I can’t think of better way to say that myself. Thank you God, for the mission of Young Life to go after every kid and share the Good News with them. We see God move in our communities when Young Life leaders, step into the lives of kids, regardless of their background or ability.


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