Super Hero Club!

We LOVE this club idea from Robb Schreiber, YL San Diego North

Most of their friends come dressed up for club and the leaders also bring some extra items for their friends who didn't bring a costume.

Superhero Shuffle: basically works like a cake walk
Printed 27 pics of superheroes that we placed randomly all over the room and while the music played, we walked around until the music stopped everyone moved to a superhero. We printed all 27 names and called 3 out each round like bingo. Example: Superman, Wonder Woman, and Mr Incredible. 

We bought superhero figurines from the Dollar Tree and some activity books that were a superhero themed. Each kid would get a prize. After that round we would pull those superheroes off the floor and play again. Each round we call out 3 superheroes, give out prizes, and then pull them from the floor until there were only a few superheroes left and the kids had to choose from the last remaining superheroes on the floor, so we had multiple kids on the same superhero and we gave prizes to the kids that had not won a prize already. It was a way to make sure every kid won at least one prize.
27 pics of superheroes
27 names of superheroes

Spiderman Web Game
Has the entire group gotten into a circle facing the middle.
We bought a big ball of thick black yarn that we wrapped around each friend to create a spider web.
We bought some large plastic spiders from the dollar tree and placed them in the web by wrapping the legs into the yarn.
We played the Spiderman theme music and they wiggled the web to try and knock the spiders out of the web. THEY LOVED IT
Here is a video of what it looked like

Kryptonite Challenge
We had them sit in a circle
We had 3 different colors of flagging tape
Every 3rd person got the same color. Red, yellow, green, red, yellow, green, etc.
We spray painted 3 pieces of pvc pipe neon green to look like kryptonite. You could also use thick glow sticks
We played music as they passed the kryptonite around the circle and when the music stopped if you were holding the kryptonite your team got a point. The goal of the game was lowest score wins. Every few rounds we would increase the value of the points when one team was far in the lead.

Share Superhero Power/ Superhero Show and Tell
Give each kid the chance to come up front to share what their superhero can do.
They also shared a fun phrase that their superhero says.

Superhero Disguise
Sometimes superheroes need to disguise themselves
We bring a BIG tub of skit and prop clothes.
Divide kids into a couple of teams
Teams on one side of the room and clothes on the other side
Kids run from their team to the pile of clothes and put on some clothes, like an extra large shirt, a jacket, a wig, a hat. Simpler things to put on, pose for a picture (great photos) take off the clothes and run back to their team and then continue the relay. More teams the better so there is less standing around waiting in line.

Sometimes we give every kid an award certificate and highlight something they did at the club and have an award ceremony at the end of the club.
Capernaum Superhero Award Certificate


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