Christmas All Fall Long

We often get to experience Christmas in July when we go to camp. We get Christmas in December, of course. But how about Christmas all fall long?! Yes, you heard us correctly! Our friends in Little Rock, AR are having Christmas club all semester long! They are focusing on the story of Jesus’ birth this semester, so thought they’d celebrate his birthday all fall long! What a fun way to keep the semester festive! You can see their club plans here!

A quick overview….

Club 1:  Christmas in Hawaii
Club 2:  Reindeer Club
Club 3:  Flannel Club
Club 4:  Candy Club
Club 5: Ice Club
Club 6: Christmas Karaoke
Club 7: Milk and Cookies Club
Club 8: Christmas Potluck

Planning to celebrate Christmas all semester long?! Send us your photos! We’d love to see you and your friends!


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