Club Idea: iTunes Club

Musical chairs: always a win!

Finish that line: Bring a few kids up who know music really well. They will take turns (you can eliminate if you wish) finishing well known song lyrics. Play a few seconds of the chorus of a song and the player has to finish it.  

Dance moves: Have a list of words such as, run, drive, coffee written on pieces of paper or a slide show. The person playing has to create a dance move to express that word! Super funny game!

Shake it off: The key to this song is playing Taylor Swift’s “Shake it off”. This is the classic minute to win it game where you empty out a tissue box, place a few Ping-Pong balls in it and then tie it around your friend’s backside. When the music starts they shake the balls out without using hands.

Party in the USA
Never Be the Same


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