YL Capernaum Center is Here! Update from FSU (Former Soviet Union) Part I

Therefore I say unto you, All things whatsoever you pray and ask for, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them. Mark 11:24
It is just incredible to see how God works in our lives when we believe His promises! Back in the beginning of the summer 2017, we prayed and dreamed of a new home for our great ministry, and since October, we have already held weekly projects in the new rooms! The path to this place was full of trials of faith, but now we know for sure that God has a plan to expand the ministry in our city, and He already embodies it! The first stage is over, the move is almost complete and there is some certainty, but there is still much work and open questions ahead, which we also want to entrust to the Lord, our Provident. We still need prayer for the Capernaum Center, as renting a room, arranging it in
accordance with the needs of the children and further maintenance requires large monthly finances.

One of the greatest encouragement for us, of course, are our new projects and frequent meetings with our special friends in the walls of the new center! In August 2017 we started WYLDLife Capernaum, which implies serving kids with special needs aged 9-14. Now apart from our Capernaum Ministry to older special teens, we hold regular clubs with kids of this age. Since the beginning of autumn, we have launched several new classes, as we call them, on the basis of Capernaum Center Almaty. Classes involve different electives, such as a class, which implies broadening minds, a creative class for the development of daily skills, a dance class, an English class, and a sports class. These activities are available to children with whom we work and are held on a weekly basis. Now, we see children more often, which allows us to penetrate more and more into their lives, build close and strong relationships with them and share Gospel with them!


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