Life Long Learners

As Young Life leaders, we always want to be students of the teenage culture. It’s easy for us to consider this when it comes to songs for club, movies, musicians and sports but we often don’t consider the other elements of culture.  What language is being used around disability? How are schools progressing with students with disabilities?  What trainings are being offered in the community around topics that are sensitive or specific in the world of disability?  Let’s not just be learners of iTunes top song picks but of our friends as a whole. 

One of the places that we see this the most is in language.  It’s also the area where we get asked the   Here’s what we are learning- it is dignifying to say “teenagers with disabilities”, “teenagers with differing abilities” and “teenagers with diverse abilities”.  It is not dignifying to use the term “special needs”.  And also, we always want to speak in person first language.  An example of this would be, “our friends with diverse abilities” or “my friend with a disability”.  We are always God’s child before we are a label of any sort, so let’s show our friends the dignity of who they are in Christ- fearfully and wonderfully made- when we speak about them and with them!
most number of questions- maybe other than how to pronounce Capernaum!

As you’re learning more about your friends and the culture around them, please share your thoughts with us!  We want to learn alongside of you!  We’re always better together!


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