
Showing posts from February, 2018

Prayers of Intercession and Capernaum

A similar prayer was led at our YL New Staff Conference and Winter Training.  This has been adapted by Lyn TenBrink for Capernaum. This is a possible way to practice corporate prayer that all of our friends can contribute toward together. Teach Capernaum friends the words or signing to HEAR OUR PRAYER.   Use the prayer below as a template to write a prayer for your Capernaum group based on their needs.   Or  After each prayer request is shared you could possibly have the leader say “Lord in your mercy”   and everyone respond “HEAR OUR PRAYER”.   There could be a hand motion or signal that leader uses to start group with the response.   This is an excellent way to teach prayer alongside everyone participating.   Also, friends can recognize the words they use to share prayer request are actually a prayer.  Capitalized Words indicate GROUP response together …. Indicates a brief silent pause. The rest is...

Club IdeaDisney Club

Mixer Tape shapes: Have a few shapes on the ground shaped like Disney things like the wand, mickey ears, the castle . Play music as everyone dances around the room. When the music stops everyone runs to a shape. Whoever isn’t in a shape it out Each round have a leader take up a piece of tape until there’s only one small shape on the floor. Freeze Frame: Split the room in half. Each group gets about 30 seconds to get in a freeze frame of a Disney movie that’s announced from up front. Most creative wins. Some examples are Tarzan: some kids are monkeys, Tarzan flying or beating on his chest, or Tinkerbelle where the kids are all holding hands pretending to fly. Make sure you say freeze when times up! Games Name that movie: Create a slide show. The first slide will be a zoomed in picture of a famous Disney movie such as Tinkerbelle’s foot. The next slide is the full zoomed out picture of Peter Pan. Two kids will play. First to hit a buzzer, bang a pot, or whatever you want...

Life Long Learners

As Young Life leaders, we always want to be students of the teenage culture. It’s easy for us to consider this when it comes to songs for club, movies, musicians and sports but we often don’t consider the other elements of culture.   What language is being used around disability? How are schools progressing with students with disabilities?   What trainings are being offered in the community around topics that are sensitive or specific in the world of disability?   Let’s not just be learners of iTunes top song picks but of our friends as a whole.   One of the places that we see this the most is in language.   It’s also the area where we get asked the   Here’s what we are learning- it is dignifying to say “teenagers with disabilities”, “teenagers with differing abilities” and “teenagers with diverse abilities”.   It is not dignifying to use the term “special needs”.   And also, we always want to speak in person first language.   An example...

Several views from Capernaum WyldLife Camp in FSU (Former Soviet Union) - Part II

You just read earlier in the week about the YL Capernaum Center in FSU.  Now here some perspectives from the Capernaum Wyldlife Camp held in FSU in the fall. Sasha Is there a way to make people pay attention to you, especially people you can't even start a conversation with? I run… You gotta run… You gotta run, not in order not to escape, but in order to run because they will be following you. They will run after you, stop by you, give you a hug and look right into your eyes. They will take your hand and ask: How have you been, Sasha? Max I'm going to a camp for kids age 10-14. They promised to assign an easy boy to me, so I could be able to do other things at the camp. And here I am, running! To be exact – catching up! An easy boy turned out to be an easy going Sasha! No, it's not because he doesn't understand what he's doing, he's challenging me. And I know why I am here, my duty is to show love of God through my caring. I’m engaging him by being ...

YL Capernaum Center is Here! Update from FSU (Former Soviet Union) Part I

Therefore I say unto you, All things whatsoever you pray and ask for, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them. Mark 11:24 It is just incredible to see how God works in our lives when we believe His promises! Back in the beginning of the summer 2017, we prayed and dreamed of a new home for our great ministry, and since October, we have already held weekly projects in the new rooms! The path to this place was full of trials of faith, but now we know for sure that God has a plan to expand the ministry in our city, and He already embodies it! The first stage is over, the move is almost complete and there is some certainty, but there is still much work and open questions ahead, which we also want to entrust to the Lord, our Provident. We still need prayer for the Capernaum Center, as renting a room, arranging it in accordance with the needs of the children and further maintenance requires large monthly finances. One of the greatest encouragement for us, of course, are our n...

Valentine's Day Club

Mixer Couple Match-up: You will need stacks of two different colored sticky notes (let’s say one green stack and one pink). You will write couple pairs that your friends know on these. For example, on a green write Minnie Mouse and on pink Mickey Mouse. Place the pink on the backs of your friends and greens on the back of leaders/buddies…no cheating! Don’t let them see who is on their back. Once everyone is ready inform them that they are to find their “couple pair.” They will do this by walking around the room and having friends describe their character WITHOUT saying the name! Once you know who you are you can find your pair. The reason it’s important to have the buddies and leaders be the matches is so they can help their friends out! Once you find your match sit down! Game Heart Target: Place heart shaped paper on the floor, walls, or wherever you want. The person playing the game will be handed a balloon, not tied off! They will release the balloon trying to get it to land on one...