Jesus StoryBook Bible Videos

by Tasha Taylor- Chicagoland Regional Coordinator

When preparing club talks for my Capernaum friends, one obstacle I am always thinking through is how to avoid an “adult or program voice.” You know - that voice that we are overly familiar with using when we are up front that may speak over a question being asked or a comment being made. That voice that is easy to tune out. That speaker’s voice that becomes like the mom in Charlie Brown. Muffled noises.

This can be true in Capernaum if you have one leader who gives the majority of the talks at club and Campaigners. Their voice can become overly familiar.

Capernaum’s collective journey to find the most engaging way to share the Gospel with all our friends has pushed us to explore answers to this challenge.

The Jesus StoryBook Bible does a wonderful job of telling the Bible stories, but still I have found when I am the one reading them when giving the club talk, my “adult or program voice” can take effect.

So, for a couple years now I have also used the StoryBook Bible videos that Zondervan has available for free on YouTube! Not every story is on there, but it is definitely worth a search on YouTube when you are preparing your talk series for the semester.

These videos are one more resource to have in your toolbox when you need another story teller, another voice, to bring out parts of the story and to keep your audience engaged.

One caution: Sometimes these videos can be a bit long, so we have also paused them at some points to ask clarifying questions, had a discussion, and then continued with the story.

I hope this will be helpful as we all continue to explore how to best share the Gospel with our friends.


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