Club Idea: Kick off/Sports Club
Mixer: Football fumble - Blow up enough brown balloons for each kid. The
goal is to keep your balloon in the air for the longest time. Only rule is you
can’t hold can hit it up, kick it, pass back and forth, or whatever
you wish! If you fumble...or drop the balloon on the ground you’re out. Last
person standing wins
Just Dance - You Don’t Know You’re Beautiful
Mixer: Field Goal Tag - We loved this game! Choose one male leader to
wear a yellow shirt with black tape creating a field goal shape large on the
front and back. Cut out brown paper footballs and put tape on the end of each.
We did a guys round and a girls round.
First up were boys. Each “player” got two football cut outs
with tape on them. We let all buddies and leaders play as well! When the music
started the guys chased the field goal guy around trying to tag him with their
football. If they made it in the field goal they got 10 points, and if they
made it outside the field goal they got 5. You can adjust the points however
you see fit.
Game- Hot Dog Hike: Call up 3-4 kids with a leader. Leaders
have a bucket tied around their neck. We decorated ours as basketball hoops.
They stand about 5 feet away from their friend that is playing the game. The
friend gets a whole pack of uncooked hot dogs and tries to throw as many in as
they can. Here’s the catch…leaders hands must be behind their backs. At the end
of a certain amount of time or when all hot dogs are thrown, count them up and
the leader with the most in their bucket wins.
Song- Keep our eyes open
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