Sarah's Story

My name is Sarah Brintnall. I’m so privileged that I have these few minutes with you to share some of how my journey with God, the creator of the entire universe, has radically changed my life. First, when I was in middle school I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal lord and savior. I was actually on a fall weekend when I made the absolute best decision of my life. I spent the rest of my 8th grade year going to weekly Young Life club where the leaders would proclaim the Word. I couldn’t wait to go to campaigners where we would dive into the scriptures and really take them apart and study the word of God.

You know how exciting fall weekend can be. I was excited and started planning to go again my freshman year but I came home one day that week from school sick. I had a virus that didn’t seem too bad, but ultimately it changed my life. It started out like a typical virus… headache, fever, & the worst sore throat you can imagine, stomach aches and I just couldn’t focus. Over time I completely lost my appetite and about 15 pounds. But worst of all was this unrelenting fatigue. I would sleep for
Sarah praying for her friend Kate, before giving the club talk
12 hours every night and 3-4 hours every day, but it wouldn’t make an ounce of difference for me. The doctors tested me for lupus, lyme, leukemia, but all they came up with was chronic fatigue syndrome. My whole world slowly began to shatter. After a few weeks, I had to leave school – I had no idea that I would never make it back. It took me 5 years, but I did finally get my diploma through Home and Hospital, and I eventually recovered mostly.

I always loved going to school, and I missed everything. I learned that you can always talk to God through prayer. My YL leaders would often come to my house to pray with me. I knew that God always had my back during my 5 years of illness. Jesus is always there for us. It does take work on your part. If you have problems in school or in any area of your life, I would tell you to pray to Jesus about it. He is able and he always loves it when his children come to him. You know, Jesus Christ died on the cross for you and me because he loves us that much. I can tell you that if you need a best friend to really rely on, Jesus Christ will be your best bet. Thank you so much for letting me encourage you to start a relationship with Jesus Christ. It will be a wild and a fantastic ride if you accept Jesus Christ into your heart!


  1. I just read this and really was moved by your testimony. Thank you Sarah!!!


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