Training Capernaum Alumni in Leadership

As we continue to think about helping our friends serve, it often will be individual conversations and adaptations. Danielle Guy in Jackson, MS recently walked through the process with one of her friends and has shared it with us.

Peyton is 23, thus aging out of Capernaum, but he absolutely loves it! During the day Peyton works as a host/busboy at a local restaurant, and one of my adult leaders who heads up our meals thought it
could be cool to have Peyton help her out with that at club. That leader and I met with Peyton and his parents to talk about it and everyone seemed to love the idea.

After a lot of talking and planning, we sat down to make it official! We let Peyton know what it meant to be a helper at Capernaum as well as how and why it will look different than when he was attending. I handed his parents Young Life's mission statement that we give to all leaders and handed Peyton an adapted one that pertained to him. This was easy for him to understand and he read each of his responsibilities out loud. We talked about what that would look like and made sure he agreed. After that Peyton signed the paper, one for him to keep and one for me, and the journey began!

He is absolutely loving learning what it looks like to serve his peers and show the love of Jesus through his serving. His leader is loving this time spent with him way more than doing it alone! Peyton especially loves working our drink station ;)

This method could be adjusted on an individual basis for different friends to help with their personality, abilities, and gifts.

The adapted mission statement and contract can be found here!


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