Donut Club!

We LOVE donuts so much that we’re bringing you thoughts from another Donut Club! Can there be too many variations on donut clubs?! Absolutely not, that’s like saying there could be too many flavors of donuts. Impossible. So enjoy another flavor of fun….

The night started off with kids and leaders mingling around the room, completing a “Donut Stop
Believin’” coloring sheet that was made and copied for all.

Club began with everyone singing ‘Don't Stop Believin’ together before the talk. This club is spending the semester talking about Jesus’ I AM statements, so in true form to the club theme, they discussed Jesus being the bread of life. He is the one who sustains us. He gives us His energy to keep pressing on when life is hard. They also talked about how there are many things in life that give us a “sugar rush” like donuts but Jesus invites us to discover substance and a meaningful life through a relationship with Him!

For Games and Activities they did:

  • Donut Decorating Contest! 
  • Apple slices created to look like donuts with cream cheese frosting for gluten free option.
  • Crazy colors of frosting
  • A TON of various toppings 
  • Kids names on plates for their decorated donut. 
  • Some parents served as judges- awesome way to bring parents in on the fun
  • Donuts on a String strung across the room! 
  • Everyone had 15 seconds to eat as much of the donut as they could without their hands.
  • Powdered Sugar donuts on a string with one person on the floor and the other standing to hold the string. 
  • Leaders & Buddies paired up as needed. 
  • Donut dipped into chocolate syrup (on a string) 
  •  Fed to the person on the floor. 
Thanks Heather for these great donut ideas! Having a donut club in your area? Or any other fun theme?! Send us your notes and photos to share!


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