Bigger and Better: A Club Talk Idea

By Maison Lowery

I have a feeling many people reading this blog have also read the book “Love Does” by Bob Goff. One chapter in this book focuses on the game “Bigger and Better.” The game goes as follows: You start with something small like a nickel and boldly knock on someone’s door. When they answer, you ask for something “bigger and better” than what you start with - in this case, only a nickel. In Bob’s example, after many knocks, his nickel worked its way up to a CAR!

Walking with Jesus can be like a game of “Bigger and Better.” Jesus can take something that seems so small and do amazing things with it. He is the guy who fed thousands of people with just a few fish and loaves of bread!

In the bible (I used the storybook bible), there is a story of a woman who gave Jesus her most prized possession. The woman didn’t have a lot to offer. She was poor and didn’t have many belongings, but she did have a glass jar of perfume. Back in her time, perfume was a prized asset, most likely her most expensive item. One day, the Pharisees were spending time with Jesus. The woman wasn’t invited but still showed up to the party with her perfume in hand. When she saw Jesus, she took her
bottle of perfume and broke it at his feet. The perfume was only good for one use; she had to break the jar open to use it. The Pharisees were stunned to see she would waste her prized possession on someone’s feet! But Jesus smiled. She believed Jesus was worth more than her prized possession.

What you would give up for Jesus? Do you believe he is Bigger and Better than your most prized possessions? What do you have to offer Jesus?

Although the Pharisees did not think much of this woman, Jesus smiled at her knowing what was in her heart. Sometimes we can feel like the woman in this story - less than our peers or like we don’t have much to offer. It may not seem like a lot, but God can take the little we have and use it for his good. Whatever we have to offer, our time, money, and talents, we can serve and love God by giving those things to him.

Our Capernaum friends have more to offer than the world gives them credit for. Encourage your Capernaum friends to find a way to give something to Jesus. Find a way to serve together. I am sure their gift will multiply and bless those around them.


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