Sharing the Gospel Through Service at YLives Camp

By Candace Conglose

My week at YoungLives camp was nothing short of a real sweet glimpse of the Kingdom. 

My friend Caitlin, a graduated Capernaum participant, and I traveled to Carolina Point to serve on the Child Care team at YoungLives camp. This was no spur of the moment decision for Caitlin to serve- she spent 3 years serving at her local YoungLives club in Nashville, served at a YoungLives weekend camp with her local area, put on a fundraiser, collected over 25 packs of diapers and wipes for camp,
and spent time praying and preparing for camp. 

On Sunday we rolled up to camp alongside 129 other child care workers for training. She sat, along side others eager to serve, and learned of what this week meant for us as well as the Mommy’s. We bunked with 3 sweet grandmothers, 9 high school students, some young professionals, and another Capernaum friend- all with different stories, all equally equipped and called to serve. 

Logistically- child care feels like a delicate fit for our friends with differing abilities. I would be sugar coating it to call the week anything but a “challenge”. The hours alone for any child care worker certainly take it out of you (I am still hearing the sweet babies in my sleep) but Caitlin did it and did it well. She woke up in the morning with the reinforcement of getting to hold the children. She powered through the long days, she rocked and fed the happy (and fussy) babies, and even got to experience earning the trust of Mommy’s who may have never handed over their little ones to strangers before. 

In our devotional together I asked Caitlin what the Lord was teaching her this week, she replied back “I can do anything I decide I want to”. The work crew coordinator shared with us the story of Jesus
feeding the five thousand on the first day. With the message of we are only asked to give what we have and the Lord will surely multiply it. Caitlin gave what she had and the Lord did just that. 

The interactions between her and the Mommy’s during free time was priceless. Her ability to meet a baby’s physical needs was empowering. And her ability to interpret the gospel in her own words through her experience was beautiful. Caitlin formed meaningful relationships with the Mommy’s, their babies, and the fellow child care staff that we desire for all of our friends and ourselves. She stacked hands with sharing the gospel through serving and I was honored to be in the huddle with her.


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