YL Palestine - Bethlehem Discipleship Camp/A Special Day!

In a country where children with disabilities are often considered a shame for their families and put into group homes, Young Life has the unique opportunity of going into these facilities and sharing the love of Jesus through Capernaum ministry. YL leaders from the community love on these teens and young adults through weekly clubs and meetings and summer camps.

Sadly, in Palestine, these kids are normally kept separate from general public and an average teenager in high schools would not have any opportunity to know, let alone go to camp with, anyone with disabilities. However, for 53 Palestinian kids from the local YL club in Bethlehem that changed
last November, when they were given that opportunity to attend a YL discipleship camp. 

The three-day camp consisted of messages about finding God in the hard times, Jesus came for everyone, and how to read and understand scripture. On the second afternoon of camp, after hearing the message about Jesus coming for everyone, these teens prepared a carnival for 80 kids from the homes of kids with dsabilities. They set up booths and decorated the field to create a wonderful festive atmosphere. But more than this, the teens worked and played alongside of the kids with disabilities all afternoon. They pushed wheelchairs, helped the kids with disabilities play different games, danced and sang and laughed together. It truly was a special day. 

After the carnival, the YL leaders met with the HS kids and asked about their thoughts and feelings about hosting the kids with disabilities at the carnival. Most said that this had been their first interaction with anyone with a disability in their life and it was their favorite part of camp. It was a life altering experience for all of them.

What a beautiful way to disciple traditional YL kids and to reach kids with disabilities!  Will you pray for YL Palestine as they continue to reach kids with the Gospel?


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