YL Mozambique - Sitoe’s Story “Persistence, Courage and Faith”

Beira, Mozambique is a port city on the Indian Ocean. The site of a rebel stronghold during the 16 year civil war which ended in 1992, there are still reminders of that conflict throughout the city, including the run down Grande Hotel, formerly a place where Frank Sinatra sang and now home to
over 1,000 families who live without electricity, running water or walls. Despite such conditions, people rise up in hope. Sitoe Cesar Bira is one example. A visually impaired young man in his 20s, Sitoe is an example to others of persistence, courage and faith in spite of adversity. When he was 12, he was asked to leave school due to severe sight issues. Four years later, he applied and was accepted at the Visually Impaired Institute in Beira, Mozambique where he learned Braille and continued his studies. There, he completed high school with honors!

Sitoe was also a Young Life kid. A few Young Life leaders in Beira met Sitoe while doing contact work at the school. They had already heard about him because other students at the School for the Visually Impaired admired Sitoe for his intelligence and his efforts to reach his goals in spite of his circumstances. The YL leaders invited Sitoe to club where they got to know him, became friends with him, and learned about his hope of going to college. At Young Life, Sitoe learned about Jesus, who provides hope and freedom in difficult circumstances. Sitoe claimed that promise and accepted Jesus as His Savior.

Because of his academic record and his determination to continue his education, he applied for and received a scholarship to the Alberto Chipande Institute of Science and Technology where he worked hard and graduated with degrees in political science and diplomacy. His aim was to do an internship for a foreign embassy and applied to several in Mozambique but was turned down. Sitoe didn’t give up even though he received many rejections. His Young Life leaders came alongside him during this
time and encouraged him to trust the Lord for resources and the strength to overcome his physical limitations. Sitoe’s persistence, courage and faith finally paid off. The Australian Embassy in Mozambique offered him a scholarship to take post-graduate diplomacy courses at an Australian university. His classes begin this February.

Sitoe has been able to rise above his challenges because he knows that with God, all things are possible. To Him be the glory. 

Will you join us in praying for Sitoe and the Young Life ministry in Beira?  


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