YL Forward - Guest Post by Pam Harmon

Are you as excited as I am about YL Forward?
YL Capernaum is positioned to serve and lead as we go Deeper In Christ through discipleship; go Together as we build a diverse, global team; go for more Innovation as we constantly improve the way we reach the next community with the gospel; and go for more Growth as God calls us to expand God’s kingdom in schools, in communities, in cities - throughout the U.S. and around the world.

As we read Young Life’s values moving Forward, let’s listen to the ways in which we have the opportunity to lead and serve within our context:

1. The Gospel - Living according to and communicating the whole gospel of Jesus Christ. We have the opportunity to communicate the good news of Jesus’ extravagant love for our friends through our actions and our words!

2. Scripture - Acting under the authority of Scripture and relying on the Holy Spirit to empower our ministry. Let’s be sure we are first spending time in God’s Word and praying for the power of the Holy Spirit before we try to do any “ministry” on our own.

3. All Kids - Reaching adolescents of every ability and all economic, cultural and ethnic backgrounds through innovative approaches. Doesn’t this make your heart sing? All Kids! Every ability, all economic, cultural and ethnic backgrounds! Where is God calling you to be innovative in the next year? Where are you going to learn that is outside your comfort zone?

4. Ecumenical - Collaborating with followers of Christ from various traditions and local churches worldwide. Our friends and their families must have the opportunity to be involved in local churches for life long community and spiritual development. Many many churches are missing an important part of the body. We have the opportunity to be collaborators with other organizations and churches in our communities.

5. Diversity - Welcoming those whom God calls to our mission - men and women of all ethnicities and abilities who are committed to the common purpose of introducing adolescents to Jesus Christ and helping them grow in their faith. Let’s be creative about building a pipeline of service opportunities for our friends within Young Life. Let’s spur one another on in this.

6. Health - Encouraging our staff and volunteers in their personal and spiritual health so we may minister our of a consistent and growing relationship with Christ and His followers. We want to be in this mission long term; we must take care of ourselves and our relationship with Jesus and serve out of the overflow and abundance of our relationship with Him.

7. Stewardship - Observing the highest standards of stewardship of all the resources placed in our trust. We are so blessed with precious friends, families, volunteer leaders, staff, funds, reputations, etc, etc. Let us treat these resources with the utmost honor.

What a gift to enter in to the Forward movement knowing that we have a clear set of values that are so consistent with who we want to be throughout the mission of Young Life. All Kids AND Diversity in Leadership as we introduce adolescents to Jesus Christ and encourage them to grow in their faith!


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