Shana's Story: Serving others, Growing close to Christ
Last weekend Shana and her leader went to Woodleaf YL Camp to serve on Work Crew in the pits where they washed dishes for Wyldlife Weekend (camp for middle schoolers). Shana is 19 and is energetic, active, funny, and admittedly a little sassy. She went to Woodleaf as a camper and went to YL Adventures Santa Cruz (discipleship camp) last year, so it is perfect timing for her to move into new roles as she is growing in her faith. Shana and her leader completed her work crew application together, signed up to go on the work crew weekend together, and then had a blast serving together. Shana encouraged the whole work crew while she volunteered with them. She and her leader put all the clean silverware away and returned empty dish racks to their home in the kitchen after each meal. It was a great way for Shana to serve the camp. It was tiring but never did she complain. She just kept dancing!
By the end of the weekend everyone was waiting to learn a dance from Shana because anywhere there was music playing you could find Shana dancing. Before we left the work crew coordinator looked at Shana and said, "You ready to teach us a dance?" Shana without hesitation said, "YES!" She went immediately to the front of the room and said to the work crew, "Everybody, stand up!" The crowd stood and Shana proceeded to teach side steps, clapping to the beat, and turn moves. The whole group, while exhausted, loved Shana's dance - which thankfully was only 90 seconds long. We all left encouraged and with a bit of an energy boost for our drives home.
Work crew weekend was a wonderful way for Shana and her leader to serve students, just like she had been served as a camper, and she grew closer to Christ in the process.
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