Setting up for Service

Work Crew and Summer Staff are such wonderful ways for our friends to grow in their faith and grow as individuals. As we pray through who the WC/SS experience would be best suited for, there are a few steps throughout the year that we have found sets them up for success. 

At the end of the summer, we start talking with the friends who we are praying through serving about ways they can serve at club - come early to be part of leader meeting, to help with check in, to lead by example during club in appropriate behavior, etc. 

In January we have city wide weekend camp at SharpTop Cove where we invite a few of our friends to join the Work Crew alongside other college students from Memphis. This year, we made a
certificate for one of our friends to let her know she was getting to go. It was given as a Christmas gift ... and she has shown everyone with such pride and excitement! 

Prior to weekend camp, we begin talking with them about specifics about serving, what their job will be, who their coach will be (a leader from our area), expectations, etc.  After camp, we sit down and let them share their experience with us - what was fun, hard, talk through any behavior stuff. Once they are placed at a camp for the summer and we know their job, we meet multiple times for training. During these times, we work on sharing testimonies, living in community, working on a team, the importance of each job, working with a coach - and with each of these pointing back to scripture. 

(photo is Caroline FaceTiming her leader after getting her certificate!)


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