
“THRIVING” - a word I am using to describe YL Capernaum Ministries this summer. Our ministries are growing and thriving, and the individuals who are participating in our ministries are growing and thriving. What do I mean by thriving? I recently read this description written by Peter Benson: “Thriving is about communities where people feel and know that they are persons of value and worth; that they have something unique to offer the world; and that they have the courage to act on their gifts.”

Let me share one example of one of our high school friends who is thriving as described by his YL leader:

“Willie has been attending YL Capernaum for the past two years and was finally able to attend camp this summer. We went to Washington Family Ranch Young Life camp about a week ago, and Willie quickly became everyone’s friend. Willie is one of the most joyful kids I know. He wasn't afraid to do anything. He did the ropes course, giant swing, and even drove his own canyon car. He loved club; he couldn't get enough of the music and speaker.

When we attend camp, our Capernaum campers are housed in the cabins with the rest of the students from their high schools. I have to admit that at first the other leaders were a little nervous about having our Capernaum friends in the same cabins as the traditional high school students. However, by the end of the week, those cabins couldn't imagine doing it any other way. Willie’s cabin rallied around him all week. They made him feel loved in so many great ways.

After we returned home, I asked Willie what his favorite part of summer was, and he said the giant swing at camp. I am thankful that my brave friend had the opportunity to experience camp!”

We pray, God, that Capernaum would continue to grow to be a community of thriving people; people who feel and know that they are persons of value and worth; people who feel and know that they have something unique to offer the world; and people who have the opportunity and courage to act on their gifts. Amen.


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