Quiet! Be Still!
A guest
post from Kaitlyn Ousley…
At the start of summer, 9 of our
Capernaum friends and 5 leaders piled on a bus to Carolina Point - ready and
expectant for the week ahead. Carolina Point added a new slide - a steeeep
slide that spits you into the lake right in the heart of camp. A few of our
more adventurous friends couldn’t wait to go down. So we changed into our
bathing suits, lathered up the sunscreen, buckled our life vests, and climbed
the steps to the top of the slide. Most dove right in, screaming in sheer
delight on the way down. They went over and over and over and over again.
But Randle stood back. She wasn’t so sure of this big
slide. She said, “I want to. But I’m scared.” Fears are so real. Some
fears are healthy, they help us know when we need help or what to stay away
from. But sometimes fear is unhealthy, it sneaks in and tells us lies
about ourselves like “I can’t do it. I’m not good enough. I’m not brave
enough.” Sometimes, fear stop us from being who God created us to be.
And yet, God says to our fears “Quiet, be still.” We
heard in club all week of a terrible storm that came and overtook a boat
carrying the disciples. When Jesus awoke, He commanded the wind and the waves
with authority and lovingly protected His friends, saying “Quiet! Be
Still!” And peace fell over the storm.
We wanted Randle to know that without a doubt, fear was
not bigger. So, for
three days in a row, we climbed to the top of the slide,
encouraged, waited, hoped, talked for an hour. Young Life camp does an
incredible job of “yes- yes, you can do that; yes, you can jump
off the diving board 97 times; yes, you can have seconds and thirds at
meals; yes, we will wait and believe in you to go down the slide for an hour”
all so that the extravagance of our Lord would be on display.
It was nearing the end of free time on the last day, so
we knew it was now or never. Randle has a stuffed animal bear, which she has
lovingly named Beary. So, we put on Beary’s swimsuit (4 zip lock bags) and
climbed the steps to the slide. We started chanting, “I am AWESOME. I
can do it!” over and over and over again. Randle would even say it to
Beary, “You are awesome. You can do it!” Lauren, one of our leaders
went down the slide first, waiting in the water for Randle down below. She
yelled up from the lake, “Randle! I’m right here with you!” But
Randle's knees were still shaky, she still wasn’t so sure...
We looked over and our Capernaum friend Anna started
getting sad, with tears in her eyes. We asked her what was wrong, and she
explained it hurt her heart to see Randle scared and sad. Anna went over and
hugged Randle, saying, “You are awesome. You can do
it.” What incredible compassion from a friend, the heart of
Jesus on display.
One of our leaders Haley leaned in close. She
said, “Hey Randle, you know how in club Mr. Andy has been talking
about big adventures? How he’s been telling us all about the disciples in the
boat who looked to Jesus in the storm? And he’s told us all about how
Jesus wants to go on adventures WITH us. This gets to be your big adventure. And
Jesus wants to show you that with him you are not alone.” Randle's face lit up
a little.
Scared and hesitant, Randle went down the slide at last
clutching Beary with our leader Molly right behind!! And when she came out
of the water, she came out different that day. Her joyful smile represented a
conquering of a fear, a tangible with-ness, a big adventure.
At the end of camp, we asked each friend their
favorite part of camp. Randle confidently said, “the slide!” We
weren’t surprised by her answer- conquering a fear and trusting in Jesus
to keep you safe is what makes Young Life camp “the best week of your
At Capernaum camps we have one friend from each area
come up to the stage to share a letter they wrote to God. We were so proud to
have William come up from Nashville and share into the microphone, "Dear
God, Forgiveness is good. Thank you for forgive you in the cross. This is
amazing grace. Love, William Bro."
Thanks for going on this adventure with us, and for
making it possible for us to conquer fears. Psalm 46 “Be
still, and know that I am God…The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of
Jacob is our fortress.”
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