Graduation Celebration!

As we all continue to looks towards transitioning our older friends into something that allows them to be a part of lifelong ministry, we wanted to share this encouraging story with you…. Thanks Tallahassee, we’re excited for your friends!

Overall, the transition went way better than we could have imagined! With a lot of prayer, planning, and help from ‘on-board’ parents, I really felt that most parents and friends were able to see the heart
behind it.

In the initial stage of planning, it was important to us as leaders that we give our friends and their family a place to go after the transition- we didn’t want to leave them ‘high and dry’. We know that, unfortunately, there are not too many options for community for people with disabilities after the age of 22. That being said, we decided to reach out to the local church that allows us to use their space for club. This church is one of the few in our area that has a disability ministry (sadly), and the only one who caters to adults with disabilities. We met with them back in March to talk about the best way for them, as the church, to reach out to all of our graduating friends and their families and create a place for our friends to grow within the body of a church. The church was 100% on board and excited for the opportunity to help our friends grow in a setting where they are given the support they need as adults. After the initial meeting with the church, we invited parents to join in on the conversation and held a “Parent Meeting” to hear what they are looking for in a church for their young adults. During the meeting, we were able to share our vision and heart behind the transition, and allow parents to ask questions and share their vision for the future. The graduating parents are now on a ‘board’ for helping start an adult program for people with disabilities at Genesis (the church) in the fall- which is really exciting! They are going to meet on opposite weeks from Capernaum and have a similar kind of structure but with more of an emphasis on serving and studying the word.

For the formal transition we had a graduation ceremony! It was a night of fun games, singing, and reminiscing. The church allowed us to use their sanctuary and dress it up with graduation decorations. We included graduating buddies and leaders in the celebration as well. We wanted to show our friends that everyone goes through transition- it’s a normal part of growing up! All graduating buddies, leaders, and friends walked across the stage to receive a “paper plate award” superlative and diploma made especially for them. I contacted a lot of old leaders and asked them to send in a short “congrats” message and complied them into one video that we played at the ceremony- they LOVED this. We asked leaders of the church to do an upfront game as a way to introduce themselves to our friends. At the end of the night, everyone got a graduation present with a Capernaum Grad shirt and Genesis shared about the new program they are starting in the fall. It really was an awesome night!

The videos and tools for transition on the YL staff website were awesome resources for us!

Send us your graduation stories and pictures! We’d love to share them and celebrate with you!


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