Work Week: Serving and Leading

Work week is a great way for our friends to experience serving opportunities! Enjoy this post from Lauren Ford in Highland Park, TX!

In May, I had the opportunity to go to Crooked Creek Ranch’s Work Week. Having never been to Work Week, I didn’t know what to expect. On top of that, I was bringing one of my older Capernaum friends, Lainey, who had also never been to Work Week. Little did we know, we were in for a treat! From the second we arrived to the bus for departure, Lainey was ready to help. She constantly asked, “What can I do?” in between singing songs on the bus ride from Texas.

Once we got to camp, we reported to our work site - the dining hall. Lainey took ownership of the “juice room” and prepared about 80 pitchers for every meal. She and our other Capernaum friend, Andrew, tag-teamed on making six 42-cup coffee carafes each morning. Once Andrew and Lainey got the hang of their job in the juice room, they started going table to table during meals to refill drinks, which in turn helped our busy servers.

It was a gift to get to watch Lainey lead her peers in the juice room. She created a system that worked, she taught others how to do it, and worked extremely hard. Lainey also led on a larger scale at camp. One morning at breakfast, I had the privilege of sharing from John 15 so I invited Lainey to join me. She read the passage and prayed for the entire camp. After she said, “Amen”, the dining hall erupted in applause.

Lainey and I had a great time at Work Week. We worked hard, had intentional conversation, and prayed together. Work Week is a really sweet opportunity for our Capernaum friends to be seen, to serve, and to lead.

Have a great story from your friends serving this summer? Send it our way!


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