A story of light, love and diversity...

A few years ago, one of our friends in Capernaum was sharing with us about how much she loved babies and she desired, in her simple yet profound way, for people to know God’s love for them.  Our wheels began churning and not much later, Caitlin began serving at the local YoungLives club.  YoungLives is Young Life’s ministry with teen moms and the room is filled with diversity both economically and ethnically.  

We wondered how the girls would respond to Caitlin taking care of their babies.  After all, she was a girl with a disability and we live in a world that is quick to judge based on outer appearances.  But we sold these girls short and instead every time they gather, we see people that the world deems as scary and unlovable, come together to serve one another. 

I’ve watched a few horrific videos this week and my heart is broken with all that is taking place.  We started filming this video in the spring and when the finished product came to my inbox today, I couldn’t have been more grateful for the timing of it.  The next three minutes are a glorious picture of how incredibly diverse people are working together to be different, different than this scary world. 

Young Life- Serving One Another from YL Capernaum Ministries on Vimeo.

Martin Luther King said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.  Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that”.  All of these girls are bringing light and love, while powerfully driving out darkness and hate. 

May we all be so courageous.


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