Beyond GPS
Often in Young Life,
we can get stuck in only considering how many high school friends are at club
or how many leaders we’re needing or what we need to improve in our local
ministries. Sometimes those
thoughts can be encouraging and yet sometimes discouraging.
We recently received
this update from Amber Lewis in Little Rock, Arkansas and love the way that
captures and celebrates so many layers of her Capernaum ministry in one
Let’s take time to
consider what an update like this would look like from each one of us. In the end,
I’ll think we’ll find great causes to celebrate all that God is doing and how He uses Capernaum not just to impact a group of high school students with disabilities but an entire community!
I’ll think we’ll find great causes to celebrate all that God is doing and how He uses Capernaum not just to impact a group of high school students with disabilities but an entire community!
Thanks Amber for
encouraging to see our ministries for the whole of what they are!
Hi friends!
With the school year
winding down and clubs ending, it is impossible to not reflect on all that the
Lord has done this year through Young Life Capernaum.
Our club
has grown from around 15 friends to around 40 friends
We have
grown from 5 leaders to 9 leaders.
In the
fall we will transition from 1 Capernaum club to 2; one for our friends above
the age of 22 (Beyond Capernaum), one for high school students
We are
organizing a parent committee
6 friends
have come to faith since the end of last year
2 friends
have been baptized at our partner church.
6 friends
have served at weekend camps
4 friends
will serve at Windy Gap’s work week
We have
permission to send information about Capernaum home at a public high school
3 typical
high schoolers are volunteering in Central's special education classroom
We have
invited our older friends to be buddies and club help at Capernaum club
We are
hopeful that our friends' gifts are not limited to the Capernaum but that our
friends will become high school and middle school leaders and college
leaders and buddies
The Lord has done so
much with so little. All semester I have been reminded of Mat. 14:17-21:
They said to Him, “We have only five loaves here and two fish.” He said, “Bring them here to Me.” Then He commanded the crowds to sit down on the grass. He took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, He blessed and broke and gave the loaves to His disciples; and the disciples gave them to the crowds. They all ate and were filled. And they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments that remained. Those who had eaten were about five thousand men, besides women and children.
With the little we
have offered the Lord, He has multiplied the works of our hands. Thank you for
your continued prayer and support of our ministry. Thank
you for allowing our friends to sit in front of a Capernaum leader and hear
that the God of the universe loves them with a never stopping, never giving
up, unbreaking, always and forever love.
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