Dear Cerebral Palsy

In a digital season of “open letters”, may your heart be encouraged and refreshed by one letter that has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with the beauty of ministry! These words are a great reminder to the bigger whole of why we do what we do in Capernaum! May we, as leaders, always be in the group of people who fall into the category “As long as I’m around, I know that I’ll always have tons of help and support on this journey.”

Dear Cerebral Palsy,
You entered mine and my family's life 14 years ago and most things haven't been the same since. The adversity you bring is persuasive, but, every day I remind myself to see you as an opportunity to learn and grow.

You're a source of challenge and struggle, but because of you I'm learning how to be fulfilled by small victories.
You've forced me to endure scary and difficult situations, but because of you I've learned to stand in a space where there's seemingly no solution and solve the problem anyway.

You've dared me to give up, but because of you I never will no matter how tired I am, how much pain I'm in and how difficult it is.

It's because of you that people may be unkind to me or bully me for things I can't control and don't deserve, but because of you I have learned to have an open heart and give everyone a chance.

It's because of you that people stare at me in public and ask insensitive questions, but because of you I don't stare at people with disabilities, instead I smile and say "Hello."

It's because of you that when I was younger I often felt lonely, but because of you I have been touched by so many amazing people.

Knowing all of the people that you, cerebral palsy, affect, it sometimes make me question the basic fairness of life.

Some may wonder what it is about you that makes life so difficult. The answer is simple: you take away volition at varying degrees, making it a feat to complete everyday tasks.

The biggest thing I think is the most important is recognizing the amount of support you have from those who care about you deeply. As long as I'm around, I know that I'll have tons of help and support on this journey.

This letter was originally posted on


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