The Golden Question: Starting Capernaum

Guest blog by Brad Mowry

A few years back I had the great benefit of having a TDS Chair who was in the fundraising field. (Taking Donors Seriously is Young Life’s fundraising strategy). My TDS Chair taught me the best question to ask a donor: “Who else should I be talking to?” This question helps link you to new donors and keep the momentum going.

I have learned that when starting a Capernaum club, the same question is equally as important. I have found that we often have no idea who is impacted by disability in a church or community until we ask. When we ask this question of a pastor or members of the community, we are surprised to find the list of names that follows.

I recently shared this at a Leader Committee Weekend. I got an email the following week from an Area Director that said:

"I had a meeting with a pastor on Monday and shared about the vision for the area and where we are going. I shared about the need for Capernaum in the area, and asked him ‘who needs to hear about starting Capernaum?’ He rattled off about 5 people to connect with. That is 5 more than I have gotten any other time! Thanks for sharing that simple, almost unnoticeable, question with us!”

So, if you are looking to start Capernaum in a new community, begin with sharing the vision, but then don’t leave the meeting without asking, “Who else should I be talking to?” The results might just make all the difference!


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