Healing in Relationship

Our guest blog comes from Kathy Dubbledam who is the Young Life Capernaum Director in Canada. She shared with us a story that impacted her as she was doing contact work at her local school.

I ended up sitting beside a boy named Trevor. He started by telling me that he was inventing a machine that could make any food to have zero calories (I told him he’s going to be a billionaire!). But as we got into it, he told me how 4 years ago he had to start counting all his food, weighing it carefully and having his blood sugar constantly tested. He got really serious when I asked him why 4 years ago. It’s because, he said, 4 years ago is when the shunt in his brain loosened. "Do you know what a shunt is?" he asked. My heart broke for this 15 year old boy who was well informed of shunts. Well, the doctors thought it was the tumor in his brain causing the struggle (he pointed to the area of the tumor) but no, it was the shunt (he pointed to the area of the shunt). And since then he has had to weigh his food. “And I’m so damned tired of it”.

Ugh. I can’t quite shake the look in his eyes as he told me this. As I was driving home, I was thinking that if we lived during Jesus’ time, I would want to bring Trevor to Jesus to heal him. But then, as all the Biblical accounts go, Jesus would invite him first to know the peace in relationship with Him in spite of his circumstance. So I prayed for relationship. I prayed for God to raise a male leader to come into his life who could show him Jesus. And then I started reflecting on my own life. How many times do I beg Jesus to help change my circumstances when really, what Jesus is wanting to do is heal my brokenness and my relationship with Him. Jesus was showing me too that yes, your circumstances, Kathy, are important, but what I want to heal is your relationship with me. Thank you Lord for using Trevor to teach me something so powerful today. And teach us how to lead Trevor to You, Lord.

Thank you Kathy! Let us pray for a male leader for Trevor. Let us continue to bring our friends to the feet of Jesus, so they can know true peace through relationship with Him. Let us continue to learn and lead in this way.


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