New to Club

Often we have new volunteers coming in either as high school buddies or adult volunteers.  Club can be a full time where really setting these folks up well can be challenging.  Try using this great New to Club handout for your visitors, while you are connecting with them and helping the to settle in to club.  

Welcome to Young Life Capernaum. We are so grateful that you are here! Capernaum club can feel overwhelming at first. There are lots of new people and it may be your first experience being with people with disabilities. Here are a few tips as you join us tonight!

Outline of the evening:
5:15-5:45-- Pre-Club meeting with leaders and buddies to go over the evening and pray
5:45-6:00-- Welcome all of our friends at the door
6:00-6:30-- Serve dinner, sit with our friends and eat with them
6:30- 7:30-- Club!

Club Outline:
2 slow songs
1 transition song
Game- with 2-3 friends up front
2 fast songs
Mixer – with all of our friends

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What can I do to help?
A: We would love for you to welcome our friends and talk with them! They want to know you so take a deep breath and introduce yourself! Help us lead everyone to a table when we eat and then sit with them and enjoy dinner. As we go into club find a friend and sit with them. If you are unsure about whether someone needs help eating or using the restroom, please find a leader! We will help determine what our friends need and feed them or take them to the bathroom.

Q: I am not used to being with people with disabilities, how should I interact with them?
A: Introduce yourself as you would to anyone! If our friends are not able to talk you can look them in the eye and say hello and shake their hand. Some of our friends have a hard time understanding personal space. It is okay to let them know if they are getting too close. You can give high fives instead of hugs or redirect them if necessary.

Q:  What should I do if I don’t understand a friend or if I feel uncomfortable about something with them?
A:  Find a leader.  We are here to help you and don’t ever want you to be in a position where you feel unsure or completely uncomfortable.

Q:  If they ask for my phone number, should I give it to them?
A:  No.  Most of our friends don’t have a great understanding of appropriate use of their phones.  Try connecting on Facebook first!

Q: Who should I talk to about being more involved?



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