Ben and Nick

Our next in the great updates from our friends serving in the mission.  Meet our dear friends Nick and Ben.  

Last summer, when we were serving at Carolina Point, we met a dynamic young man named Nick. Nick had been in a horrible car accident earlier that year, losing his leg and having a series of other injuries.  We had great conversations throughout the week and he had already been helping some in his Capernaum club back home.  We started the conversation then about him serving as a coach this summer for a Capernaum friend.  

After months of preparation, Nick (from Florida) and Ben (from Tennessee) were paired together to serve at Carolina Point for a month in ropes.  They were responsible to get campers, over the course of the week, up to the top of the Canopy Course (multiple zip lines) while also making sure they had all of their needed gear.  Nick drove the truck and Ben ensured that everyone was set up.  This meant that the two of them got to interact with every single camper and leader throughout the month.  That’s close to 350 people per week, for four weeks.    

Ben's Facebook post during his first days at camp
Their month finished up and here’s what Nick emailed me.  I wept as I read it, only God could be so redeeming. 

"I am so grateful for you giving me the chance to work with Ben this last month. Being his coach was challenging but it was incredibly rewarding. One of my old Wyldlife guys was a camper week 2 and one of the first days he asked me why God lets people have special needs.  I told him I don’t know why God
does most of what He does but I told him that I see God more in friends like Ben than I see him in anything else. At the end of the week he said he saw so much of Jesus in Ben and in the Greenville Capernaum group that was at camp that week. I think Jesus taught him a lot through that group. Another one of my good friends who was in my Campaigners group all through high school had lost his faith this last year. At camp after say so he sat with Brady (a Capernaum alumni who is a leader in Greenville,

SC; has Down Syndrome) and cried for 30 minutes until he was forced to go to his bus. After they finished crying together Jeff
told me how much he saw and felt Jesus through Brady. Jeff is going to UCF in orlando and I am hoping he will get plugged in with the Orlando Capernaum group.   

This month was so incredible, the worst part about it was leaving Ben after being with him most of the entire month. I miss him a lot. Thank you so much for the opportunity to serve with Ben."  

Enjoy this incredible video of Nick and Ben!

Nick and Ben from Carolina Point on Vimeo.


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