Invited, Celebrated and Needed- Part 2

A guest post by Pam Harmon...

My current favorite words to describe YL Capernaum are: Invited, Celebrated, and Needed. The word Celebrated even sounds fun coming off your tongue when you say it! In Young Life, we are great at celebrating!

When we invite our friends to come to be with us at YL, they discover a celebration and they are celebrated! Theres food and laughing, dancing and singing, friends and fun, but most of all, acceptance and love.

Our friends, who are fearfully and wonderfully made (Ps. 139), have been invited by a loving God who is not surprised by anything, let alone disabilities. We celebrate their uniqueness and the ways in which God brings glory to Himself through them. We look for their gifts and abilities and we grow together as God shapes us through one another.

We invite our friends into a new journey, one with authentic friendships with us and with Jesus. A journey with people who come along side and say Yes when the answer theyve often heard has been, No, you cant do that. Its not for you.

We celebrate with our friends that Jesus invites us into Life to the full with Him (John 10:10). We celebrate with our friends that In Gods presence is fullness of joy (Ps. 16:11).

Thank you for being inviting and for celebrating so well. 

What an awesome reputation to have as a mission!


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