Capernaum and the Church Part II

Christen Morrow de Ara is hosting monthly calls for us to continue to discuss what it looks like for Capernaum and the church to come together.  Below are the notes from the second call. You don't want to miss these!

Debbie Lillo, Church Relations Manager for Joni and Friends in the Bay Area (Northern California) joined us and shared how her own faith journey began in high school with Young Life because some Young Life leaders pursued her and cared for her well. Debbie has always hoped to see the Church and Young Life work together more. Since her ministry and heart for kids with disabilities took off in 2003, she has wondered how this connection could be made and is so excited to be able to help Capernaum in her area build relationships with churches but also available to help Capernaum areas across the country connect to people in her position in local Joni and Friends offices or the help people who don’t have a local Joni and Friends office think through how they can approach churches.

Debbie reminded us over and over that as Young Life, we are uniquely positioned for this work. We build relationships with our friends, with parents, with the community.  While being invited into a conversation with a church is always the best, she reminded us that we can approach churches, being relational with church leaders and pastors, allowing them to see our relationships with our friends.  Here are some practical suggestions from Debbie for us as we enter into conversations with churches:
  • PRAY! Pray for God to go before us. Listen to where and to whom He sends us
  • Begin with your own church or somewhere close to where Capernaum friends are
  • Look for connections to a church leader or pastor that might already be in place
  • Consider inviting a pastor or leader to see club or to have coffee with you and a friend
  • Let the presence of our friends and our friendship with them tell the story
  • Consider bringing along a buddy or typically developing teen whose friendship with a Capernaum friend has impacted them to tell their story, especially if meeting with a youth leader. They are seeking transformative experiences for their youth!
  • KNOW what you offer the Church (experience of friendship and potential to train the church, encourage the Church and introduce them to your friends and their families)
  • KNOW what you’re asking of the Church (for them to enter into conversation with you about how to reach and welcome your friends and their families. Start small. Start with relationship, not with a program)

Debbie encouraged us to check into local ministries like Joni and Friends (if there is an office in your local area or region) because they may know which churches are open to these conversations and to welcoming our friends. If you’d like to know if there is a Joni and Friends office locally or if you want to know who to reach out to there, check out think link or email Christen Morrow-Ara. Even if there isn’t an office locally, Debbie, like Christen, is happy to share her resources and be a sounding board as you approach churches and can be reached at

Two documents that Debbie shared are available to you:
Resources for the Church (a list of books that could be resources to Churches & Families)
IRRISISTIBLE Church (a vision for a church that welcomes friends with disabilities and their families with excellence)

Our next Capernaum & the Church call on April 22 at 10am PST / 11 MST / 12 CST / 1 EST will feature our friend and founder of Friends for Life, Clint Dowda. Check out a video on their work here. For call in times, email Christen Morrow de Ara


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