A Few of my Favorite Things

A guest post by Pam Harmon

One of my all time favorite experiences at camp occurred while I was sitting with my friend Nick on the porch at Saranac overlooking the beautiful lake. Nick considered himself an actor; he was his high school’s mascot for every sport. He brought an extra suitcase to camp filled with truly amazing costumes and would transform into a different character each day of camp. He even had a role in the camp’s western themed “opera” at the end of the week while wearing his tiger costume!  

Nick was not excited about attempting the ropes course or actually any of the camp's physically demanding activities.  So, instead that afternoon we rocked on the porch in rocking chairs and I asked him a few questions about his week and about the club talks.  He humored me with short answers and rolled his eyes at my attempts at meaningful conversation.  

And then the Lord reminded me of Nick’s passion, and I entered in to what he loved. I asked him what his favorite Disney movies were and suggested that we sing some songs together. His eyes lit up as I let go of my agenda for our time. For the next 2 hours we delighted in being together as we rocked and sang - “Chitty Bang Bang, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang,” “Just a Spoon Full of Sugar Makes the Medicine go Down,” and “These are a Few of My Favorite Things.”  

I was experiencing the truth of “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” The Word did not become right answers or right activities; the Word became relationship. Jesus was born and lived among us; in the flesh as one of us. Jesus meets us where we are. Jesus loves it when we truly enter into life with our friends, meeting them where they are. As Jesus calls us to enter into life with our friends, He will be glorified - in us and in our friends.

So, enter in - wear a costume, sing songs, enjoy beauty, dance, and glorify Jesus with your friends! Enjoy the opportunity that Jesus is giving us to glorify Him.   


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