How He Loves Us
Another installment to our buddy lessons...
How He Loves Us
Intro Question
- How do you worship God?
Mark 12:41-43
Jesus watches the crowd give their offerings at the
temple. Many rich give and also, a widow
approaches the offering table and throws in two coins. Jesus commends her gift.
- What do you think the crowd thought about this woman?
- How did the rich people view what she had to give?
- How did Jesus view what she had to give?
- What do you think the disciple’s response was to Jesus’ teaching?
Joe and Ryan at Castaway 2014 from YL Capernaum Ministries on Vimeo.
Discussion Questions
- What surprises you about this video?
- Would you have the courage to sing in front of hundreds of typical high school kids if your voice sounded like Joe’s?
- Why do you think he was confident enough to get on stage?
- How is Joe similar to the widow that we read about in Mark?
- Tell us about a time where you gave all you had to give, like the widow and like Joe?
- What is an area of your life that you can ask God for more freedom in?
- What is something in your life that you have taken the credit or glory for, when it was really God’s to have?
- How can you change your response to that and give it to God, the way that Joe does?
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