Koren's Story

Another installment of buddy lessons....

Koren’s Story

Intro Question
What do people see when they look at you?

John 6:1-15

Jesus is speaking to a crowd of 5,000+ people and the disciples question him about how they will feed the crowd.  A little boy offers five small loaves and two fish.  Jesus takes what he has to offer and uses it for a profound miracle that impacts an enormous crowd of people.

  • What do you think it was like for the little boy to see Jesus take all that he offered and use it to feed 5,000+ people?
  • What do you think the disciples were thinking, when Jesus took the least likely (someone with little to offer) and made a profound impact out of it?
  • Do you think the crowd say the little boy offer his loaves or fish or do you think they just saw the miracle?
  • Who becomes the hero in this story?


Discussion Questions
  • What surprises you about this video?
  • What was your first reaction to seeing Koren?
  • What is your reaction to Koren sharing about how God revealed himself to Koren from a very young age, even when she couldn’t communicate to others?
  • How is Koren’s story, similar to the feeding of the 5,000?

  • Who in your school have you dismissed because of what you see on the outside?
  • What would it look like to get to know that person and attempt to see them for who they really are?


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