I See Jesus
It was Monday morning at Southwind, Martin Luther King Day, and I just finished sharing with the 268 people there, that it was such a gift to get to spend MLK day with them. Capernaum is a group that has taught me, for the past fifteen years, what it looks like to love people who are different from you, how people of different races can get along, how to see life differently than before and how beautiful it is when you embrace people’s differences.
As my club talk came to a close, most of the kids filed out of the room but one young man made his way to the stage. He waited patiently for me to step down and then immediately said, “I see Jesus a lot”. I asked him to tell me more about that and he went on to explain that for his entire life he has had seizures. Little ones and big ones. He explained that there seems to be nothing during the little ones, but that in every single big one, he sees Jesus. He told me about how Jesus talks to him and is with him during those big seizures. He explained what Jesus looked like and how he acted. I looked him in the eyes and said, “Do you think that is God’s way of reminding you that His promise of always being with you is true? That when your life and body are in such a scary place and feel so out of control, that He is still with you?”
He smiled and said, “Yes”, in the most matter of fact way. There was no doubt in his mind.
He turned and walked out. The conversation was over. It wasn’t until minutes later that I realized that I never got his name or where he was from. I was too struck by what he shared with me.
I walked out of the club room, only to find myself stopping to thank Jesus and saying, “of course you do Jesus, of course you do”.
I am so grateful that you, our Young Life leaders across the mission, are helping your friends with disabilities to see Jesus in the scariest moments of their lives. You are walking with your friends, teaching them the promises of God and getting to hear about those promises in ways that you could’ve never imagined. I certainly couldn’t have.
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