Washed with Tears- Part 2

The second lesson in the campaigner series

Washed With Tears
Lesson 2

Intro Discussion
Today we are going to talk about how God really knows everything about us- both on the inside and outside and he still loves us deeply!

Have a grocery bag that has a pineapple and a kiwi inside of it. 
·                  * Have each friend reach in the bag and describe what they feel inside of the bag, without looking
·                  *Ask each friend if they would like to eat it, based upon what the outside feels like.
Show everyone that the items in the bag are a pineapple and a kwi.

Read Scripture
Washed with Tears (Sinful woman anointing Jesus)- Pages 280-285 in Jesus Storybook Bible.  Located in Mark 14, Luke 7 and John 12.

Discussion Questions
·     1.  Tell us about a time where you felt judged.  How did you respond?  How did it make you feel?
·     2.  Tell us about how the Pharisees were treating the woman?  How do you think she felt?
·     3.  Tell us about a time where YOU judged someone?
·     4. Tell us how you think someone would describe who you are on the outside.
·     5. Tell us how you think someone would describe who you are on the inside.
·     6. Tell us how you think Jesus would describe who you are!

Activity Continued
Recap how they described the fruit when they first reached in the bag.
Pass out pieces of pineapple and kiwi to each friend.
Have them describe the fruit after tasting it.
Compare their first description with their descriptions after eating them.

Remind your friends that God really knows what’s inside of us and that he loves us deeply because of that!

Have your friends share ways that they would like the group to pray for them. 

Take time to pray for these things as a group, allowing your friends the chance to pray for one another.

Download and print the lesson here.


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