Art & Talent

Here is an incredible idea for a night of celebrating Young Life Capernaum in your town.  It's a night for your friends to shine, for leaders and friends to work together, for parents to see their child be a star, for funds to be raised and ultimately, for an enormous display of the deep love of Jesus.  

"Our Art & Talent Show began as a simple opportunity for us to showcase and celebrate our Capernaum friends for one night.  It has grown organically into an event that is hosted in an Art Gallery and has over 30 individual acts performing on stage.  It is hands down, without question, the best event that our ministry does. It blesses our friends who get to be the stars, it blesses their families who get to witness their child being cheered on and celebrated, and it blesses the community who are encouraged and get to see joy manifested.  The art that our Capernaum friends do is done by asking them to paint whatever it is that reminds them that God loves them (we have learned to give them boundaries within which to work, since some have merely painted their boyfriends name or Troy Bolton) most of the time if a friend is struggling with an original idea for a long time we will start to suggest things found in nature such as a sunset, flowers, stars at night, etc.  We have a typed up notecard next to each painting stating the name of the artwork, the artist, their age, and what their dream in life is, as well as a headshot of the artist.  We also have our friends enter into the performance space via a red carpet that is surrounded by the audience so that it feels like a Hollywood Movie Premiere.  The smiles that are found on the faces of everyone in the room that night put the sun to shame as far as wattage."

A big thank you to Sean Mann and his wonderful team of leaders and committee who host this event each year!


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