Camping Out in Scripture

A guest post by Kaitlyn Ramon

In choosing a scripture for our club talks, we have found it super beneficial to use the same scripture passage throughout the whole semester. At the start of a semester, our team will pray together and discuss a scripture that we’d love to share with our friends. We map out the gospel progression with the scripture on the club grid (i.e. Week 1: Come and See- Just like Zaccheaus was curious about Jesus, we get to be curious all semester long; Week 2: Person of Christ- Jesus is a friend to Zaccheaus and a friend to us., etc.).

Camping out in the same club talk scripture has been great for our Capernaum friends. Repetition is good for us all; it engrains truth in us. Narratives from the Bible are pretty complicated- demon possessed pigs, a bleeding woman, a man being lowered through a roof! Rather than setting up and reading the story before we realize our window of time is up; we find ourselves with more time to dive deeper, like how Jesus raising Jairus’ daughter pails in comparison to Jesus raising on the cross. During the last talk of a semester, we’ll ask something like, “Who have we been talking about all semester? What happened in the story? What did Jesus do?” Our friends are able to articulate the story in their own words after hearing it throughout a whole semester.  What a cool thing that we get to orally pass on God’s word, empowering our friends to know Him more deeply.

Like most things in Young Life though, we realize that God is not only at work in our friends, He’s also opening our eyes. Using the same scripture has challenged us as leaders to pause, to sit in a scripture, to read it over and over again, to study different translations. Because we use the same scripture weekly, it pushes us to be creative with our gospel presentations (read from the Story Book Bible, have a Capernaum friend read the scripture, have friends in costumes act out the verses, show a video of the scripture, etc). But most significantly, what a beautiful challenge it’s been to look for the gospel progression in a single passage. We believe that just like each of our stories is a part of His grand story, so is each scripture passage. So we search- where can we see a picture of need in these verses? Where do we see Jesus taking our place? Where do we see redemption?  Why is this story so significant to telling His story? And, His story of redemption has been there every time. 

Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Deuteronomy 11:18

Kaitlyn has been memorizing High School Musical quotes with our Capernaum friends since 2008, and has been on staff for the last year. Originally from Atlanta, GA, she now lives in Nashville, TN. She loves the joyful beauty of our friends, and attributes any and all dance skills to her time spent with the best dancers on the planet.  


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