
Showing posts from May, 2017

One on Ones at Camp and in Life

By Lyn TenBrink You know those moments when someone is intentional with wanting to meet you for coffee and just hear about your life? That’s a one on one. That same special feeling and the same intentionality are what a one on one is like at camp, or any other time, with our Young Life kids and friends. It is a gift. A gift of intimacy, generosity and care in the most holy of ways. To begin, we thoughtfully pray and think through a kid’s context and where we see the Gospel story intersecting, and we sit down and generously care through questions, stories and sharing. Theology There is a great YL resource on the basics of “S haring the Gospel One on One ”. This document offers great theology and the whys of a one on one. This is just as true for Capernaum as for traditional kids. But we may need to think about this a bit differently with Capernaum friends or for any traditional kid who learns uniquely or who may have experienced life in drastic ways. Daily or Week...

James' Poem: A reflection of serving on Summer Staff

James spent a month serving on summer staff last summer. Since then, he has continued to walk with his Young Life leader and grow in his faith. Together they are pursuing Christ and leaning in to the truth. Recently James wrote this poem in reflection of his year post-summer staff! (We have permission from James to share this) ______________ God I love that I awake with breath in my body That you are in my mind and heart God I love that you took away sin no matter How bad I screwed up I know you are with me all the way so I Pray to you God As often as I can Even though I don't go on my knees I do believe you will listen to my prayers All I can really do is say thank you God For giving me a chance with Life --

YL Mozambique - Sitoe’s Story “Persistence, Courage and Faith”

Beira, Mozambique is a port city on the Indian Ocean. The site of a rebel stronghold during the 16 year civil war which ended in 1992, there are still reminders of that conflict throughout the city, including the run down Grande Hotel, formerly a place where Frank Sinatra sang and now home to over 1,000 families who live without electricity, running water or walls. Despite such conditions, people rise up in hope. Sitoe Cesar Bira is one example. A visually impaired young man in his 20s, Sitoe is an example to others of persistence, courage and faith in spite of adversity. When he was 12, he was asked to leave school due to severe sight issues. Four years later, he applied and was accepted at the Visually Impaired Institute in Beira, Mozambique where he learned Braille and continued his studies. There, he completed high school with honors! Sitoe was also a Young Life kid. A few Young Life leaders in Beira met Sitoe while doing contact work at the school. They had already h...

YL Forward - Guest Post by Pam Harmon

Are you as excited as I am about YL Forward? YL Capernaum is positioned to serve and lead as we go Deeper In Christ through discipleship; go Together as we build a diverse, global team; go for more Innovation as we constantly improve the way we reach the next community with the gospel; and go for more Growth as God calls us to expand God’s kingdom in schools, in communities, in cities - throughout the U.S. and around the world. As we read Young Life’s values moving Forward, let’s listen to the ways in which we have the opportunity to lead and serve within our context: 1. The Gospel - Living according to and communicating the whole gospel of Jesus Christ. We have the opportunity to communicate the good news of Jesus’ extravagant love for our friends through our actions and our words! 2. Scripture - Acting under the authority of Scripture and relying on the Holy Spirit to empower our ministry. Let’s be sure we are first spending time in God’s Word and praying for the power of th...